Requests For Quotes
Why Do They Keep Contacting Me?
I'm just a guy who has taken lots of pictures of other people's plumbing. But somehow my Toilets of the World collection of pages has convinced a lot of people that I am a vendor of plumbing equipment. This goes way beyond the usual nonsense of Chinese companies spamming the world with their misspelled industrialia.
From: Subject: 12 main items ( 9B ) THE GATOSON (HOLDINGS) LIMITED E-mail : Our Ref.: 12 main items (9B) 13th Oct. 2002 Dear Sir, We can get the follow good quality products which made in China at the SPECIAL LOWEST PRICES. A01 man garment A02 lady garment C02 foodstuff machine D02 traveling bus D05 carring truck D06 saloon car D11 fire truck series D14 drumper E01 yacht and speed boat E02 oil tanker E04 submarine vessel E08 treading boat L04 F-series triplex mud pumps M02 Aerospace equipment [ and on and on, the rest of this deleted... ]
No, this page is about people who insist that they want me to sell something to them, even when they have found me through a collection of pages that clearly state that I do nothing of the sort.
I usually send them a bid or a proposal or a quote, although I doubt they find most of them very useful. Click below to see the correspondence.
Other forms of nonsense