Rack of Ethernet switches.

Textual Analysis for Network Attack Recognition
Application to Real Data

Applying Textual Analysis to Detect Patterns in Logs

Here are some preliminary results for applying these textual analysis techniques to log data.

Somewhat surprisingly, with English prose the measures of resemblance, containment, and Dice's coefficient were of little use but the vector space model worked reasonably well.

The opposite is true with the syslog data. The vector space model was of little use, its results are not shown here.

Set Number of
Attacker Target
A 316 c193
B 19 i192
C 258 x053
D 162 x053
E 400 c193
F 826 i192
G 207 x053
H 62 i192
I 17 x053
J 3042 c193
K 3042 i192
L 1088 x053
M 902 c193
N 9391 i192
O 76 x053

A collection of log data was selected, including 15 attack sequences from 6 attacking hosts.

Below are the results of the resemblance measure. The following sets of attack sequences are each from the same attacking host, where sequences J and K are identical:

Picking an arbitrary threshold of 0.3, the values colored in green in the following tables show correct classification of similar attack form, while values in yellow show errors — within-source measures below the cutoff (false-negative error) or between-source measures above it (false-positive error).

Resemblance table:
       A       B       C       D       E       F       G       H       I       J       K       L       M       N       O
A  1.00000 0.06485 0.80205 0.00000 0.00296 0.00193 0.00203 0.00000 0.00000 0.00066 0.00066 0.00161 0.00152 0.00030 0.00000
B  0.06485 1.00000 0.08085 0.00000 0.00248 0.00131 0.00459 0.00000 0.00000 0.00036 0.00036 0.00103 0.00260 0.00015 0.00000
C  0.80205 0.08085 1.00000 0.00000 0.00324 0.00205 0.00230 0.00000 0.00000 0.00067 0.00067 0.00168 0.00167 0.00030 0.00000
D  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.03795 0.02257 0.05848 0.37423 0.09816 0.05925 0.05925 0.16963 0.00000 0.01469 0.00000
E  0.00296 0.00248 0.00324 0.03795 1.00000 0.51747 0.51948 0.02288 0.00000 0.01299 0.01299 0.02056 0.00133 0.00175 0.00000
F  0.00193 0.00131 0.00205 0.02257 0.51747 1.00000 0.26882 0.01256 0.00000 0.12230 0.12230 0.17741 0.00090 0.00181 0.00000
G  0.00203 0.00459 0.00230 0.05848 0.51948 0.26882 1.00000 0.03968 0.00000 0.01172 0.01172 0.01852 0.00177 0.00165 0.00000
H  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.37423 0.02288 0.01256 0.03968 1.00000 0.27419 0.02230 0.02230 0.06381 0.00000 0.00431 0.00000
I  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.09816 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.27419 1.00000 0.00585 0.00585 0.01674 0.00000 0.00247 0.00000
J  0.00066 0.00036 0.00067 0.05925 0.01299 0.12230 0.01172 0.02230 0.00585 1.00000 1.00000 0.34931 0.00032 0.01121 0.00000
K  0.00066 0.00036 0.00067 0.05925 0.01299 0.12230 0.01172 0.02230 0.00585 1.00000 1.00000 0.34931 0.00032 0.01121 0.00000
L  0.00161 0.00103 0.00168 0.16963 0.02056 0.17741 0.01852 0.06381 0.01674 0.34931 0.34931 1.00000 0.00076 0.01393 0.00000
M  0.00152 0.00260 0.00167 0.00000 0.00133 0.00090 0.00177 0.00000 0.00000 0.00032 0.00032 0.00076 1.00000 0.05658 0.20765
N  0.00030 0.00015 0.00030 0.01469 0.00175 0.00181 0.00165 0.00431 0.00247 0.01121 0.01121 0.01393 0.05658 1.00000 0.01175
O  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.20765 0.01175 1.00000

Containment table:
       A       B       C       D       E       F       G       H       I       J       K       L       M       N       O
A  1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00520 0.00269 0.00500 0.00000 0.00000 0.00073 0.00073 0.00209 0.00273 0.00031 0.00000
B  0.06485 1.00000 0.08085 0.00000 0.00260 0.00134 0.00500 0.00000 0.00000 0.00037 0.00037 0.00105 0.00273 0.00016 0.00000
C  0.80205 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00520 0.00269 0.00500 0.00000 0.00000 0.00073 0.00073 0.00209 0.00273 0.00031 0.00000
D  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.05195 0.02688 0.10000 0.98387 0.94118 0.05925 0.05925 0.16963 0.00000 0.01484 0.00000
E  0.00683 0.05263 0.00851 0.12346 1.00000 0.51747 1.00000 0.16129 0.00000 0.01463 0.01463 0.02827 0.00273 0.00186 0.00000
F  0.00683 0.05263 0.00851 0.12346 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.16129 0.00000 0.13863 0.13863 0.26806 0.00273 0.00201 0.00000
G  0.00341 0.05263 0.00426 0.12346 0.51948 0.26882 1.00000 0.16129 0.00000 0.01244 0.01244 0.02199 0.00273 0.00170 0.00000
H  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.37654 0.02597 0.01344 0.05000 1.00000 1.00000 0.02231 0.02231 0.06387 0.00000 0.00433 0.00000
I  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.09877 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.27419 1.00000 0.00585 0.00585 0.01675 0.00000 0.00247 0.00000
J  0.00683 0.05263 0.00851 1.00000 0.10390 0.50941 0.17000 0.98387 0.94118 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.00273 0.01577 0.00000
K  0.00683 0.05263 0.00851 1.00000 0.10390 0.50941 0.17000 0.98387 0.94118 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.00273 0.01577 0.00000
L  0.00683 0.05263 0.00851 1.00000 0.07013 0.34409 0.10500 0.98387 0.94118 0.34931 0.34931 1.00000 0.00273 0.01577 0.00000
M  0.00341 0.05263 0.00426 0.00000 0.00260 0.00134 0.00500 0.00000 0.00000 0.00037 0.00037 0.00105 1.00000 0.05658 1.00000
N  0.00683 0.05263 0.00851 0.59259 0.03117 0.01747 0.05500 0.45161 0.94118 0.03731 0.03731 0.10681 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
O  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.20765 0.01175 1.00000

Dice's coefficient table:
       A       B       C       D       E       F       G       H       I       J       K       L       M       N       O
A  1.00000 0.12180 0.89015 0.00000 0.00590 0.00386 0.00406 0.00000 0.00000 0.00132 0.00132 0.00321 0.00304 0.00059 0.00000
B  0.12180 1.00000 0.14961 0.00000 0.00495 0.00262 0.00913 0.00000 0.00000 0.00073 0.00073 0.00205 0.00520 0.00031 0.00000
C  0.89015 0.14961 1.00000 0.00000 0.00645 0.00409 0.00460 0.00000 0.00000 0.00135 0.00135 0.00336 0.00333 0.00060 0.00000
D  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.07313 0.04415 0.11050 0.54464 0.17877 0.11188 0.11188 0.29006 0.00000 0.02896 0.00000
E  0.00590 0.00495 0.00645 0.07313 1.00000 0.68202 0.68376 0.04474 0.00000 0.02565 0.02565 0.04030 0.00266 0.00350 0.00000
F  0.00386 0.00262 0.00409 0.04415 0.68202 1.00000 0.42373 0.02481 0.00000 0.21794 0.21794 0.30135 0.00180 0.00361 0.00000
G  0.00406 0.00913 0.00460 0.11050 0.68376 0.42373 1.00000 0.07634 0.00000 0.02318 0.02318 0.03636 0.00353 0.00330 0.00000
H  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.54464 0.04474 0.02481 0.07634 1.00000 0.43038 0.04363 0.04363 0.11996 0.00000 0.00857 0.00000
I  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.17877 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.43038 1.00000 0.01163 0.01163 0.03292 0.00000 0.00493 0.00000
J  0.00132 0.00073 0.00135 0.11188 0.02565 0.21794 0.02318 0.04363 0.01163 1.00000 1.00000 0.51776 0.00064 0.02217 0.00000
K  0.00132 0.00073 0.00135 0.11188 0.02565 0.21794 0.02318 0.04363 0.01163 1.00000 1.00000 0.51776 0.00065 0.02217 0.00000
L  0.00321 0.00205 0.00336 0.29006 0.04030 0.30135 0.03636 0.11996 0.03292 0.51776 0.51776 1.00000 0.00151 0.02748 0.00000
M  0.00304 0.00520 0.00333 0.00000 0.00266 0.00180 0.00353 0.00000 0.00000 0.00064 0.00065 0.00151 1.00000 0.10710 0.34389
N  0.00059 0.00031 0.00060 0.02896 0.00350 0.00361 0.00330 0.00857 0.00493 0.02217 0.02217 0.02748 0.10710 1.00000 0.02322
O  0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.34389 0.02322 1.00000

Discussion of the Results

Resemblance and Dice's coefficient seem most useful. Dice's coefficient performed slightly better on this data set.

The containment measure was less useful due to false-positive matches, as might be expected. Small sequences (e.g., H and I) are contained within large sequences (D, J, K, L, and N in this case).

     Set:   H  I     D   J    K    L    N
Shingles:  62 17    162 3042 3042 1088 9391

Classification was better on sets of similar sizes than on sets where one sequence terminated much earlier. Again, this makes sense:

Better:       Set:   E    F    G
         Shingles:  400  826  207

              Set:   H    I
         Shingles:   62   17

              Set:   J    K    L
         Shingles: 3042 3042 1088

Worse:        Set:   A    B    C
         Shingles:  316   19  258

              Set:   M    N    O
         Shingles:  902 9391   76

Looking just at resemblance and Dice's coefficient, we can first rule out those measures not of interest:

So, the eleven true positive matches of interest are:
and the true negative matches of interest are the remaining 80 pairs.

The thresholds could be adjusted to optimize the error rates for the resemblance and Dice's coefficient classification. Study of the tables shows the following performances with varying thresholds. The maximum total correct classifications and the crossover points are highlighted.


Threshold Total Correct Matches correctly classified Non-matches correctly classified
0.80206 — 1.00000 80/91 88% 0/11 0% 80/80 100%
0.51949 — 0.80204 81/91 89% 1/11 9% 80/80 100%
0.51748 — 0.51947 82/91 90% 2/11 18% 80/80 100%
0.37424 — 0.51746 83/91 91% 3/11 27% 80/80 100%
0.34932 — 0.37422 82/91 90% 3/11 27% 79/80 99%
0.27420 — 0.34930 83/91 91% 4/11 36% 79/80 99%
0.26883 — 0.27418 84/91 92% 5/11 45% 79/80 99%
0.20766 — 0.26881 85/91 93% 6/11 55% 79/80 99%
0.17742 — 0.20764 86/91 95% 7/11 64% 79/80 99%
0.16964 — 0.17740 85/91 93% 7/11 64% 78/80 98%
0.12231 — 0.16962 84/91 92% 7/11 64% 77/80 96%
0.09817 — 0.12233 83/91 91% 7/11 64% 76/80 95%
0.08086 — 0.09815 82/91 90% 7/11 64% 75/80 94%
0.06486 — 0.08084 83/91 91% 8/11 73% 75/80 94%
0.06382 — 0.06484 84/91 92% 9/11 82% 75/80 94%
0.05926 — 0.06380 83/91 91% 9/11 82% 74/80 93%
0.05849 — 0.05924 82/91 90% 9/11 82% 73/80 91%
0.05659 — 0.05847 81/91 89% 9/11 82% 72/80 90%
0.03969 — 0.05657 82/91 90% 10/11 91% 72/80 90%
0.03796 — 0.03967 81/91 89% 10/11 91% 71/80 89%
0.02289 — 0.03794 80/91 88% 10/11 91% 70/80 88%
0.02258 — 0.02287 79/91 87% 10/11 91% 69/80 86%
0.02229 — 0.02256 78/91 86% 10/11 91% 68/80 85%
0.02057 — 0.02231 77/91 85% 10/11 91% 67/80 84%
0.01853 — 0.02231 76/91 84% 10/11 91% 66/80 83%
0.01675 — 0.02231 75/91 82% 10/11 91% 65/80 81%
0.01470 — 0.01673 74/91 81% 10/11 91% 64/80 80%
0.01394 — 0.01468 73/91 80% 10/11 91% 63/80 79%
0.01300 — 0.01392 72/91 79% 10/11 91% 62/80 78%
0.01176 — 0.01298 71/91 78% 10/11 91% 61/80 76%
0.01173 — 0.01174 72/91 79% 11/11 100% 61/80 76%
0.00001 — 0.01171 65-71/91 71-78% 11/11 100% 54-60/80 68-75%

Dice's Coefficient:

Threshold Total Correct Matches correctly classified Non-matches correctly classified
0.89016 — 1.00000 80/91 88% 0/11 0% 80/80 100%
0.68377 — 0.89016 81/91 89% 1/11 9% 80/80 100%
0.68203 — 0.68375 82/91 90% 2/11 18% 80/80 100%
0.54465 — 0.68201 83/91 91% 3/11 27% 80/80 100%
0.51777 — 0.54463 82/91 90% 3/11 27% 79/80 99%
0.43039 — 0.51775 83/91 91% 4/11 36% 79/80 99%
0.42374 — 0.43037 84/91 92% 5/11 45% 79/80 99%
0.34390 — 0.42372 85/91 93% 6/11 55% 79/80 99%
0.30136 — 0.34388 86/91 95% 7/11 64% 79/80 99%
0.29007 — 0.30134 85/91 93% 7/11 64% 78/80 98%
0.21795 — 0.29005 84/91 92% 7/11 64% 77/80 96%
0.17878 — 0.21793 83/91 91% 7/11 64% 76/80 95%
0.14962 — 0.17876 82/91 90% 7/11 64% 75/80 94%
0.12181 — 0.14960 83/91 91% 8/11 73% 75/80 94%
0.11997 — 0.12179 84/91 92% 9/11 82% 75/80 94%
0.11189 — 0.11995 83/91 91% 9/11 82% 74/80 93%
0.11051 — 0.11187 82/91 90% 9/11 82% 73/80 91%
0.10711 — 0.11049 81/91 89% 9/11 82% 72/80 90%
0.07635 — 0.10709 82/91 90% 10/11 91% 72/80 90%
0.07314 — 0.07633 81/91 89% 10/11 91% 71/80 89%
0.04475 — 0.07312 80/91 88% 10/11 91% 70/80 88%
0.04416 — 0.04473 79/91 87% 10/11 91% 69/80 86%
0.04364 — 0.04414 78/91 86% 10/11 91% 68/80 85%
0.04031 — 0.04362 77/91 85% 10/11 91% 67/80 84%
0.03637 — 0.04029 76/91 84% 10/11 91% 66/80 83%
0.03294 — 0.03635 75/91 82% 10/11 91% 65/80 81%
0.02897 — 0.03292 74/91 81% 10/11 91% 64/80 80%
0.02749 — 0.02895 73/91 80% 10/11 91% 63/80 79%
0.02566 — 0.02747 72/91 79% 10/11 91% 62/80 78%
0.02482 — 0.02564 71/91 78% 10/11 91% 61/80 76%
0.02323 — 0.02480 70/91 77% 10/11 91% 60/80 75%
0.02319 — 0.02321 71/91 78% 11/11 100% 60/80 75%
0.00001 — 0.02317 64-70/91 70-77% 11/11 100% 53-59/80 66-74%

Limitations of This Approach — Computational Complexity and Botnets

The first problem that comes to mind is the computational complexity of applying this to large collections of attack sequences. The eventual goal would be to answer for a newly observed sequence, Does this sequence strongly resemble anything seen so far? That would require an approach based on a feature vector, so the only new computation would be the calculation of the new feature vector and a comparison to an existing catalog of observed attack signatures. Analysis using the other inter-document similarity measures would require calculation growing with the size of the existing data collection.

An unexpected problem arose when applying this this same sort of sequence extraction and analysis to a new month's data. That data included an attack by a botnet of 707 hosts in which only guesses for the root password were attempted.

Start:    Nov 19 15:00:42
End:      Nov 21 03:18:36
Duration: 36:17:54
Guesses:  2666
Histogram of inter-probe timing.

Typical guesses were separated by 20 to 80 seconds from the one before. With two exceptions, no botnet members made two consecutive guesses. A gnuplot histogram of the inter-guess times shows the distribution.

Click here to see the list of botnet members and the inter-attack timing.

The SSH daemon and the PAM modules it uses only log the event of a failure. Sniffing packets can show the host-to-host handshaking, in which every client identified itself as:
immediately suggesting that this was a botnet, all the members running C code compiled against the libssh API. However, once the hosts attempt host-to-host authentication (which, of course, fails in this case) and then negotiate ciphers and a session key, you see nothing else useful in the raw network traffic.

The trick is to attach to the SSH server process with strace and observe the I/O at the application level.

First, find the process ID of the listening SSH server. Run this command:
lsof -i tcp:ssh
and look for the PID of the process marked LISTEN.

Second, if that PID were 12345, run this command as root:
strace -f -e 'read,write' -p12345

This page claims to list "The Top 500 Worst Passwords of All Time", but there is no explanation of where they got that data. Since admin isn't even on the list despite being the default password on lots of network gear, I don't think the list is very authoritative. But it's kind of interesting.

Coming in mid-attack, I saw an alphabetical list of names and words being used as root password guesses:
and so on. Some further analysis showed that this sequence had been used as as target logins for password guesses within two earlier attacks, click here to see the Linux/UNIX command-line trick to easily find these. Those attacks were separated by 77 days, and the two attacking hosts were in Brazil and Germany:

Target Start End Password guesses for:
root non-root invalid users all users

inetnum: 200.213.105/24
responsible: Grupo de Seguranca da Informacao Virtua
country: BR
x053 Mar 16 10:32:36 Mar 16 13:27:24
10488 seconds
  5 / 5 2807 / 2806 2812 / 2811
3.73 sec/guess
i192 Mar 16 10:32:37 Mar 16 13:28:57
10580 seconds
  4 / 4 2850 / 2849 2854 / 2853
3.71 sec/guess
c193 Mar 16 10:32:38 Mar 16 13:28:05
10527 seconds
  4 / 4 2810 / 2809 2814 / 2813
3.74 sec/guess
a201 Mar 16 10:32:39 Mar 16 13:26:45
10446 seconds
  4 / 4 2816 / 2815 2820 / 2819
3.71 sec/guess
a202 Mar 16 10:32:41 Mar 16 13:26:45
10444 seconds
  4 / 4 2811 / 2810 2815 / 2814
3.71 sec/guess
a204 Mar 16 10:32:51 Mar 16 13:26:45
10434 seconds
  4 / 4 2807 / 2806 2811 / 2810
3.71 sec/guess
a203 Mar 16 10:32:57 Mar 16 13:26:42
10425 seconds
  4 / 4 2762 / 2761 2766 / 2765
3.77 sec/guess
a205 Mar 16 10:32:58 Mar 16 13:26:40
10422 seconds
  4 / 4 2763 / 2762 2767 / 2766
3.77 sec/guess
8 targets
22459 probes
Mar 16 10:32:36 Mar 16 13:28:57
10581 seconds
  33 / 6 22426 / 2850 22459 / 2853
0.47 sec/guess
Target Start End Password guesses for:
root non-root invalid users all users

inetnum: -
descr: fast IT Colocation
country: DE
address: fast IT GmbH
address: Am Gatherhof 44
address: 40472 Duesseldorf
address: DE
address: fibre one networks GmbH
address: Network Operations & Services
descr: DE-FIBRE1-85-114-128-0---slash-19
descr: DE-FIBRE1-85-114-128-0---slash-20
s120 Jun 1 15:49:25 Jun 1 18:03:18
8033 seconds
  4 / 4 2394 / 2393 2398 / 2397
3.35 sec/guess
x053 Jun 1 15:49:28 Jun 1 15:49:28     1 / 1 1 / 1
t121 Jun 1 15:54:37 Jun 1 18:03:21
7724 seconds
  4 / 4 2303 / 2302 2307 / 2306
3.35 sec/guess
a201 Jun 1 15:56:06 Jun 1 18:03:18
7632 seconds
  4 / 4 2264 / 2263 2268 / 2267
3.37 sec/guess
c193 Jun 1 15:56:07 Jun 1 15:56:07     1 / 1 1 / 1
i192 Jun 1 15:56:08 Jun 1 15:56:08     1 / 1 1 / 1
a203 Jun 1 15:56:22 Jun 1 16:15:02
1120 seconds
    334 / 334 334 / 334
3.36 sec/guess
a204 Jun 1 16:05:33 Jun 1 18:03:19
7066 seconds
  4 / 4 2092 / 2091 2096 / 2095
3.37 sec/guess
a202 Jun 1 16:29:10 Jun 1 18:03:18
5648 seconds
  3 / 3 1662 / 1661 1665 / 1664
3.39 sec/guess
9 targets
11071 probes
Jun 1 15:49:25 Jun 1 18:03:21
8036 seconds
  19 / 4 11052 / 2396 11071 / 2400
0.73 sec/guess

The only differences within the sequences from, in Brazil, on March 16, was early termination. That is, compared to the>i192 sequence of 2,854 logins, the others were identical until they terminated slightly before the end. And that longest sequence probably terminated itself early, stopping at virago within one of several alphabetical subsequences:
..., vicki, vicky, victor1, vikram, vincent1, violet, violin, virago

Comparing the>i192 sequence to the sequences from the attack from, in Germany, on June 1, we see that they are basically the same sequences. The differences are early termination plus deletion of a few entries mid-list, probably due to timeouts during that attack.

That>i192 sequence is the most complete version of this list seen in two attack sequences widely separated in time and space, click here to see that list.

That sequence appears to be a list of likely passwords rather than logins. Just look at the first 10:
12345 abc123 password computer 123456 tigger 1234 a1b2c3 qwerty 123
Users usually aren't assigned identities like those, but they are the sorts of passwords users would prefer!

To derive from>i192 sequence
Attacking host Target Changes required to produce the observed sequence s120 Delete entries #1177, 2088, 2110: lisa, gigi, greta
Terminate early t121 Delete entries #1019, 1086, 1475: creative, gasman, 181818
Terminate early a201 Delete entries #639, 659, 1073, 1698: godzilla, imagine, florida, april
Terminate early a203 Delete entry #310: morgan
Terminate early a204 Delete entries #471, 491, 1270: rosebud, sunny, penny
Terminate early a202 Delete entries #48, 132, 391, 1360, 1445: bear, biteme, explorer, snowflake, xcountry
Terminate early

Also recall that the target hosts are shown here as the first letter of the host name followed by a 3-digit representation of the last octet of the IP address. The first attack sequence started in numerical order if we disregard one entry transposed by one position, suggesting that the attacks were driven by a list or range of IP addresses or a CIDR representation. That makes sense, as none of the hosts are public web servers or other prominent hosts. The starting order of the second attack makes less sense, as the target hosts are ordered by neither host name nor IP address. The organization's DNS servers do not allow zone transfers, so an attacker could not have obtained a list of host names that way. Also, some of the systems involved are used only as servers, and so they would not have shown up as clients in some web server's logs. The only thing that really makes sense is for these attacks to have been controlled by ranges of IP addresses.

Attacker IP address sequence xxx.yyy.zzz.053, 192, 193, 201, 202, 204, 203, 205 xxx.yyy.zzz.120, 053, 121, 201, 193, 192, 203, 204, 202

The timing between the starts of the individual sequences also varied between the two attacks. Maybe the order and start times were randomized by the attack software.

Attacker Seconds between attack sequence starts 1, 1, 1, 2, 10, 6, 1 3, 309, 89, 1, 1, 14, 551, 1417

A similar attack from a larger botnet was seen when analyzing data from two servers at a web hosting company.

These attacks show the impracticality of purely automated analysis. My analysis script can generate an HTML file describing a month's probes against a system. But the file grows proportionally when one botnet attack appears to be hundreds of one-guess attacks. What had been an HTML file of a few hundred kilobytes grows into the tens of megabytes with the addition of all those tables.

It seems that human judgement is needed to tell the difference between an unaggressive botnet and random one-guess attacks. More difficult yet is the situation where a more aggressive single-attacker sequence happens to fall in the middle of a botnet attack. Several did, in this case, but they were spotted by seeing how many consecutive guesses were made by each host. This can be done with use of a simple uniq | sort -n command sequence. Given an average inter-guess timing in the tens of seconds for the botnet versus two to four seconds for a typical single host, the non-botnet hosts stood out and could be removed from consideration.

Attack #1:
Start:           Nov 14 18:35:24     Nov 14 18:35:24
End:             Nov 16 20:52:18     Nov 16 20:52:16
Duration:        50:16:54            50:16:52
Guesses made:    882                 872
Unique logins:   85                  83
Botnet members:  306                 309
Target host:     c193                i192
Attacking hosts in common: 303

Attack #2:
Start:           Nov 18 07:32:06     Nov 18 07:32:06
End:             Nov 18 18:41:57     Nov 18 18:41:57
Duration:        03:09:51            03:09:51
Guesses made:    142                 144
Unique logins:   42                  42
Botnet members:  101                 102
Target host:     c193                i192
Attacking hosts in common: 101

Motivated to look for signs of botnets, two more attacks were spotted against other hosts during that same month! Those attacks seem to have been perpetrated by the same botnet, as there is a large overlap in their member hosts. The attacks were rather different than those of the first botnet, as they attempted guesses for a number of accounts in addition to root.

Logins attacked in sequence #1:

admin allison amanda andy at backup backup1 cathy cecilia charles christoph cookie cpanel crystal cs data ed frances ftp ftpuser games glenn irc jacki james jan jennifer joe john jon justin kevin kim knoppix ldap leonard lillian majordom mark martin matt melissa michel murphy mysql nagios nikki office oracle paul porter postgres postgress qmail rex richard robby robert root samba security steve test test1 test2 test3 test4 todd tomcat ts ts2 web0 web1 web2 web3 web4 web5 web6 web7 webmaster webmin wilson yolanda zach zope

Logins attacked in sequence #2:

amavis amavisd apache clamav contacts cyrus demo demo1 demo3 dhcpd fetchmail games gnats guest lp mail news spam squid student stunnel suse-ncc tcpdump test3 user user1 vscan web0 web1 web10 web11 web12 web13 web2 web3 web4 web5 web7 web8 web9 www wwwrun

Comparing the sets of attacking hosts (the botnet members), 94 were seen in both attack sequences. As seen in this table, the distribution of activity varied between the two attacks. The numbers in the table record the number of password guesses, individual attacks or probes, and does not necessarily reflect the number of unique botnet members in that country.

Botnet probes by country Attack #1 Attack #2
c193 i192 c193 i192
US, United States 124 124 20 20
DE, Germany 122 121 10 10
IT, Italy 67 65 9 9
PL, Poland 58 58 8 9
BR, Brazil 51 49 11 11
IE, Ireland 40 40 1 1
FR, France 37 37 11 11
ES, Spain 34 33 6 6
RO, Romania 34 33 5 5
CZ, Czech Republic 27 24 5 5
AT, Austria 25 25 1 1
GB, United Kingdom 25 25 8 9
NL, Netherlands 21 20 1 1
AR, Argentina 18 18 2 2
MX, Mexico 18 18 5 5
HU, Hungary 17 17 2 2
RU, Russian Federation 17 15 2 2
CO, Colombia 15 15 2 2
BE, Belgium 16 15 3 3
SE, Sweden 15 15 0 0
CH, Switzerland 14 13 1 1
CL, Chile 12 12 4 4
UA, Ukraine 12 12 0 0
DK, Denmark 11 11 2 2
TR, Turkey 9 9 1 1
SK, Slovakia 7 7 0 0
PE, Peru 6 6 4 4
SV, El Salvador 6 6 0 0
GT, Guatemala 5 5 0 0
HK, Hong Kong 5 5 0 0
IL, Israel 5 5 2 2
LT, Lithuania 5 5 0 0
TW, Taiwan 5 5 2 2
CA, Canada 4 4 1 1
AU, Australia 3 3 2 2
BG, Bulgaria 3 3 0 0
CN, China 3 2 1 1
EE, Estonia 3 3 2 2
ZA, South Africa 3 3 1 1
cannot resolve 3 3 0 0
CI, Cote D'Ivoire 2 4 1 1
IN, India 2 2 0 0
JP, Japan 2 2 0 0
PT, Portugal 2 2 0 0
ID, Indonesia 1 2 1 1
KR, Korea, Republic of 1 1 2 2
LA, Lao People's Democratic Republic 1 1 0 0
LK, Sri Lanka 1 1 0 0
MY, Malaysia 1 1 0 0
RS, Serbia 1 1 0 0
UZ, Uzbekistan 1 2 0 0
VE, Venezuela 1 1 0 0

Some stereotypes are reinforced in that table: the high rankings of the U.S. and Europe. Others are dashed: the surprisingly low rankings of China, Hong Kong, and Japan.

Within each of the two attacks, the distributions of probe sources seen on the two target hosts were almost identical. The slight differences were probably due to timeouts leading to abandoned attempts.

For more details, extracts of the logs are available. These show the full sequence of guesses made by each botnet, showing the timestamp, login guessed, and botnet member making that guess:
Attack #1, target = c193
Attack #1, target = i192
Attack #2, target = c193
Attack #2, target = i192

The timing was less aggressive in these smaller attacks, as shown by the inter-attack timing histograms below. Attacks in the first and second sequences were spaced by 100-200 seconds and about 200 seconds, respectively.

Histogram of inter-probe timing, attack #1 against target c193.
Histogram of inter-probe timing, attack #1 against target i192.
Histogram of inter-probe timing, attack #2 against target c193.
Histogram of inter-probe timing, attack #2 against target i192.

To generate those histograms of inter-attack timing, start with a file "botnet-times" containing one inter-attack time per line:

% awk '{print $1}' botnet-list > botnet-times
% cat > histo.gnuplot << EOF
set style data line
set boxwidth 3
set xlabel "Seconds between guesses"
set ylabel "Number of events with this delay"
set xrange [0:150]
set key off
set term png
set output 'timing-histogram.png'
bw = 1
bin(x,width) = width*floor(x/width)
plot 'botnet-times' using (bin($1,bw)):(1.0) smooth freq with boxes
% gnuplot histo.gnuplot

Other Work

"Entropy estimation of symbol sequences"
Thomas Schuermann and Peter Grassberger
"We discuss algorithms for estimating the Shannon entropy h of finite symbol sequences with long range correlations. In particular, we consider algorithms which estimate h from the code lengths produced by some compression algorithm. Our interest is in describing their convergence with sequence length, assuming no limits for the space and time complexities of the compression algorithms. A scaling law is proposed for extrapolation from finite sample lengths. This is applied to sequences of dynamical systems in non-trivial chaotic regimes, a 1-D cellular automaton, and to written English texts."

"Syntactic Clustering of the Web"
Andrei Z. Broder, Steven C. Glassman, Mark S. Manasse, and Geoffrey Zweig, SRC Technical Note 1997-015
"We have developed an efficient way to determine the syntactic similarity of files and have applied it to every document on the World Wide Web. Using this mechanism, we built a clustering of all the documents that are syntactically similar. Possible applications include a "Lost and Found" service, filtering the results of Web searches, updating widely distributed web-pages, and identifying violations of intellectual property rights."

"Finding Similar Files in a Large File System"
Udi Manber, TR 93-33, University of Arizona
"We present a tool, called sif, for finding all similar files in a large file system. Files are considered similar if they have significant number of common pieces, even if they are very different otherwise. For example, one file may be contained, possibly with some changes, in another file, of a file may be a reorganization of another file. [....]"

"Clustering and Categorization Applied to Cryptanalysis"
Claudia Oliveira, José Antônio Xexéo, Carols André Carvalho, Cryptologia v30, n3, pp 266-280, 2006
A nice discussion of a generalized clustering approach and its application to cryptanalysis.

"Stylistic Text Classification Using Functional Lexical Features"
Shlomo Argamon, Casey Whitelaw, Paul Chase, Sobhan Raj Hota, Navendu Garg, and Shlomo Levitan, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology vol 58, no 6, pp 802-822, 2007
"Most text analysis and retrieval work to date has focused on the topic of a text; that is, what it is about. However, a text also contains much useful information in its style, or how it is written. This includes information about its author, its purpose, feelings it is meant to evoke, and more. This article develops a new type of lexical feature for use in stylistic text classification, based on taxonomies of various semantic functions of certain choice words or phrases. We demonstrate the usefulness of such features for the stylistic text classification tasks of determining author identity and nationality, the gender of literary characters, a text's sentiment (positive/negative evaluation), and the rhetorical character of scientific journal articles. [....]"

"Evaluating Internet Resources: Identity, Affiliation, and Cognitive Authority in a Networked World"
J. W. Fritch and R. L. Cromwell (yes, that's me), JASIST (Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology), vol. 52, no. 6 (2001), pp 499-507.

In addition to referencing our JASIST paper, Argamon et al also list a number of other papers describing work on author attribution and profiling:

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