Contact Info for Bob Cromwell

Contact Info
Are you interested in "contributing a guest post" or otherwise asking me to host your entire page or article on my server? I don't do that. Go away. Get your own web site.
My publicationsTo contact me, send an e-mail message to this address:

To do this securely, use my public key
FYI, that image was created with ImageMagick:
$ convert -size 280x30 xc:transparent -font Helvetica \ -pointsize 20 \ -draw "text 10,20 ''" \ -fill black address.png
You may need to change the 280
to a larger number
in that command if your e-mail address is longer than mine,
to allow it to fit into the image.
You will just have to experiment with the value to
see what's appropriate for your address.
You may want to make that number smaller if your address is shorter, so your image isn't much bigger than it needs to be.
And, of course, you can change the first 20
to make
the text larger or smaller, accompanied by the needed
changes in image width and height.