Bob Cromwell's Publications
History and Literature
Buy originalissue
"When The Sub-Mariner Was A Bowery Bum", Alter Ego, vol. 3, no. 179, January 2023, pp 24-27. See the extended version on this site.
Linux, BSD Unix, networking and cybersecurity — articles
"FreeBSD, Google Cloud, and Dual ECC/RSA", BSD Magazine (ISSN 1898-9144), vol. 11, no. 11, November 2017, pp 36-27. This is their much-shortened version of my web page series as it existed at the time.
"Active Directory with Samba and BIND on FreeBSD", BSD Magazine (ISSN 1898-9144), vol. 11, no. 2, March 2017, pp 4-6. This is their much-shortened version of my web page series as it existed at the time.
"How to Upgrade OpenBSD and Build a Kernel", BSD Magazine (ISSN 1898-9144), vol. 10, no. 3, March 2016, pp 53-68. This is basically their publication of my web page as it existed at the time.
"Securing Unlicensed WLAN Data Communications", RF Design, February 2003, pp 50-56. PDF
"Delving Deeper into Evaluation: Exploring Cognitive Authority on the Internet", R. L. Cromwell and J. W. Fritch, References Services Review, vol 30, no 3 (2002), pp 242-254. PDF
"Evaluating Internet Resources: Identify, Affiliation, and Cognitive Authority in a Networked World", J. W. Fritch and R. L. Cromwell, JASIST (Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology), vol. 52, no. 6 (2001), pp 499-507. PDF
"Privacy and Authentication for Digital RF Links," RF Design, September 1998, pp 22-30.
Linux, networking and cybersecurity — course texts
These have been revised multiple times, with new editions appearing approximately every six months during the listed time periods. They also include the development of course loads, the configuration of operating systems and development of course-specific software.
Linux Virtualization, course text and laboratory manual, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, Mar 2015 — 2020.
Cloud Security Essentials, course text and laboratory manual, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, Jan 2011 — May 2014.
Linux Server Administration and Support, course text and laboratory manual, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, Dec 2005 — present.
Unix and Linux Security, course text and laboratory manual, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, Sep 2001 — Dec 2012. (Yes, they simply retired this title as their market, primarily the U.S. government and its contractors, wasn't very interested in the topic!)
Unix and Linux Optimization and Troubleshooting, course text and laboratory manual, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, April 2001 — Sep 2003.
Linux TCP/IP Networking and Services, course text and laboratory manual, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, June 2000 — June 2002.
Linux: Installation, Configuration, and Support on Alpha Server: DS10, course text and laboratory manual, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, October 1999 — May 2002.
Routing in TCP/IP Internetworks, interactive training CD-ROM 467.M1, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, June 1999.
Linux, networking and cybersecurity — course texts — technical editor
As above, but material for which I have been the technical editor rather than the author:
Introduction to Software Defined Networking Training, Technical Editor for course text and laboratory manual, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, April 2015 — January 2018.
Linux Optimization and Troubleshooting, Technical Editor for course text and laboratory manual, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, Dec 2013 — 2020.
System and Network Security Introduction, Technical Editor for course text and laboratory manual, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, July 2005 — present.
Linux Installation, Configuration, and Support, Technical Editor for course text and laboratory manual, Learning Tree International, Reston, Virginia, June 1998 — February 2006.
"Peregrinations", in Photonics Spectra, v34, n10, October 2000, pg 194; and v35, n1, January 2001, pg 244.
"Two Band Shortwave Broadcast, Utility, and WWV Coverage for the Neophyte Receiver," in QST, January 1991, pg 36.
Blog content for Learning Tree International:
My Learning Tree blogs
That Shakespeare Life
▶ Episode 151 — Flush Toilets in Elizabethan England
▶ Episode 155 — The Life of John Harington
Photography for "The Secret Lair Of Doctor Strange, His Creators, & A Ghost Of Christmas Past", Alter Ego, vol. 3, no. 138 (March 2016), pp 51-57.
Photography for SamenleesBijbel, Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap, Haarlem, 2015, ISBN 978-90-8912-042-7 (page 1071). From my plumbing photographic work.
Photography for Consumer Behaviour, Isabelle Szmigin and Maria Piacentini, Oxford Press, 2014, ISBN 9780199646449. From my plumbing photographic work.
Photography for chapter "The Storied Past of a No-Star Paris Hotel" in Grand Hotel: Redesigning Modern Life, edited by Jennifer M. Volland, Bruce Grenville, with Stephanie Rebick, Vancouver Art Gallery, 2013, ISBN-10 377573483X, ISBN-13: 978-3775734837. From my travel photographic work.
Photography for Origins, November 2007, Discovery Channel on-line programming. From my plumbing photographic work.
ASIN: 0974364339
Photography for Hitting the Military History Trail, Shannon L.W. Hanson, editor, VFW Publications, ISBN 978-0-9743643-3-9, 2007. From my photographs of DL3G.
Photography for Indiana Preservationist, Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, September 2007, pg 1. From my photographs of DL3G.
Photography for Course LL.01, Introduction to Radar Systems, Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Open Course Ware program, October 2007. From my travel photographs.
Photography used in the "Flushed" episode of the program Ordinary Things on the National Geographic Channel, November 2006. From my plumbing photographic work.
Photography for Angie's List, November 2006 (pg 17), published by William S Oesterle, 1030 E Washington St, Indianapolis IN 46202. From my plumbing photographic work.
Photography (cover) for Yearbook and Scholastic Journal, Providence (RI) Hebrew Day School, Mesivta of Providence, New England Academy of Torah, 2005 / 5765. From my travel photographic work.
ASIN: 1550811797
Photography (pg 128) in Journeys: Faiths of Friends Series, (Book 1, Elementary Religious Education Program), Michael Newton, Breakwater Books Ltd, St John's, Newfoundland, 2002 (ISBN 1-55081-179-7). From my travel photographic work.
Photography used in The Book of Hosea, Bible study video (Mandarin Chinese language), Kairos Communication Service International, Alhambra, California. From my travel photographic work.
Photography for "Extract from Clinical Evidence: Diarrhoea", in Student British Medical Journal, British Medical Association, v8, April 2000, pp 107-108. A copy is archived at archive.org. From my plumbing photographic work.
Applications of 3-D data collection and analysis
"Accurate 3-D Morphological Measurement Using a Structured-Light Range Sensor", R. L. Cromwell and S. G. Poss, Gulf and Caribbean Research, Vol 13, pp 19-35, March 2001. PDF
"Laser Scanner Digitizes Fish Skeletons," in Vision System Design, January 1997, pp 9-10.
"Use of Single-Plane Structured Light Range Sensing to Measure Osteological Material," R. L. Cromwell and S. G. Poss, presented at the annual conference of the American Society of Icthyologists and Herpetologists; Edmonton, Alberta; June, 1995. See the details in my range map analysis pages.
"Low-Cost 3-D Surface Scanning and Reconstruction," presented at the Fourth International Congress on Vertebrate Morphology, Chicago IL, 1994. See the details in my range map analysis pages.
Machine vision
"Image Analysis Now Automated," software review article in IEEE Spectrum, April 1995, pp 81-82.
"Model-Based Vision for Robotic Manipulation of Twisted Tubular Parts: Using Affine Transformations and Heuristic Search," S. Wang, R. L. Cromwell, A. C. Kak, Ichiro Kimura, and Michiharu Osada, Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Diego CA, 1994, pp. 208-215.
"Efficient Eigenvalues for Visualization," in
Graphics Gems IV,
Paul Heckbert, editor,
Academic Press, Cambridge MA, 1994.
ERRATA: in equations 30 and 31 only, a minus sign
should appear before the "m":
Eq 29: λ1 = m*cθ - p/3
Eq 30: λ2 = -m*[(cθ + sqrt(3)*sθ)/2] - p/3
Eq 31: λ3 = -m*[(cθ - sqrt(3)*sθ)/2] - p/3
ASIN: 0123361559
"Microwave Sensor and Cybermotion Robot Integration," Final Report, U.S Department of Transportation, April 1993 (contract SOW-PR38-5652).
"Sensors and Processors Enable Robots to See and Understand," in Laser Focus World, March 1993, pp. 67-78.
"Efficient Generation of Synthetic Terrain Imagery for Automatic Target Recognition," A.C. Kak, R.L. Cromwell, S.G. Blask, L.L. Grewe, & H. Kang, Final Report: 1 May 1989 - 30 June 1992, U.S. Army Research Office, October 1992.
"Automatic Target Recognition for the TOPCAT System," A. C. Kak and R. L. Cromwell, Final Report, U.S. Army Research Office, September 1992 (contract DAAL03-89-K-0166).
TYRO - A Robot Vision System That Can Learn From Observations of its Environment, Ph.D. Thesis, Purdue University, May 1992.
"Automatic Generation of Object Class Descriptions using Symbolic Learning Techniques," R. L. Cromwell and A. C. Kak, Proceedings of the AAAI-91 9th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Anaheim CA, July 1991, pp. 710-717.
"Advanced Research in Range Interpretation Techniques," A. C. Kak, K. D. Smith, A. J. Vayda, and R. L. Cromwell, Final Technical Report (four volumes), United States Postal Service, July 1990.
"Classification of TOPCAT Single Scanline Data," A.C. Kak, S.G. Blask, M.S. Carroll, R.L. Cromwell, & K.D. Smith, Progress Report, U.S. Army Research Office, October 1989.
"Applying Uncertainty Reasoning to Model Based Object Recognition," S. A. Hutchinson, R. L. Cromwell, A. C. Kak, Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, San Diego CA, June 1989, pp. 541-548.
"Knowledge-Based Robotics," A. C. Kak, A. J. Vayda, R. L. Cromwell, W. Y. Kim, and C. H. Chen, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 707-734, 1988.
"Planning Sensing Strategies in a Robot Work Cell with Multi-Sensor Capabilities," S. A. Hutchinson, R. L. Cromwell, A. C. Kak, Proceedings of the 1988 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia PA, 1988, pp. 1068-1075.
"Range Image Interpretation for Postal Object Recognition," A. C. Kak, K. D. Smith, A. J. Vayda, and R. L. Cromwell, Proceedings of the Third United States Postal Service Advanced Technology Conference, Washington, D.C., 1988, pp. 391-405.
"Knowledge-Based Robotics," A. C. Kak, A. J. Vayda, R. L. Cromwell, W. Y. Kim, and C. H. Chen, Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Raleigh NC, 1987, pp. 637-646.
"Experiments in the Integration of World Knowledge with Sensory Information for Mobile Robots" A. C. Kak, B. A. Roberts, K. M. Andress, and R. L. Cromwell, Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Raleigh NC, 1987, pp. 734-740.
"3-D Robot Vision," A. C. Kak, K. D. Smith, A. J. Vayda, and R. L. Cromwell, Proceedings of the Second United States Postal Service Advanced Technology Conference, Washington, D.C., 1986, pp. 435-450.
Credited contributor to several travel guides by Lonely Planet Publications
OK, these are little more than shout-outs, but still...
England (5th Edition) Fionn Davenport, Neil Wilson, Oliver Berry, David Else, Etain O'Carroll, Peter Dragicevich, Nana Luckham, Belinda Dixon, March 2009.
Mexico City (3rd Edition) Daniel Schecter, Josephine Quintero, September 2008.
Hong Kong & Macau (13th Edition), Andrew Stone, February 2008.
Walking in Britain (3rd Edition), David Else, Sandra Bardwell, Belinda Dixon, and Peter Dragicevich, April 2007.
Great Britain (6th Edition), David Else and Oliver Berry, May 2005.
Russia and Belarus (3rd Edition), Simon Richmond, Mark Elliott, Patrick Horton, Steve Kokker, Baty Landis, Wendy Taylor, and Mara Vorhees, July 2003.
Jordan (5th Edition), Anthony Ham and Paul Greenway, April 2003.
Saint Petersburg [Russia] (3rd Edition), Steve Kokker and Nick Selby, January 2002.
Turkey: Travel Survival Kit (7th Edition), Tom Brosnahan, Richard Plunkett, and Pat Yale, March 2001.
Eastern Europe: Travel Survival Kit (6th Edition), Peter Carney, January 2001.
Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus (2nd Edition), Ryan Ver Berkmoes, April 2000.
Greece: Travel Survival Kit (4th Edition), David Willett, Brigitte Barta, Rosemary Hall, Paul Hellander and Jeanne Oliver, February 2000.
Saint Petersburg [Russia] (2nd Edition), Steve Kokker and Nick Selby, February 1999.
Turkey: Travel Survival Kit (5th Edition), Tom Brosnahan and Pat Yale, 1996.