Scrambled video.

Everything Connects through Movies

Everything Is Connected

Planet of the Apes
Charleton Heston
The Ten Commandments
   Yul Brynner       +---------------------------------------+
        |            |                                       |
Magnificent Seven    |                       GIANT SQUID     |
        |            |                            |          |
  James Coburn       |                    20,000 Leagues     |
        |            |                    Beneath the Sea    |
        |            |                            |          |
  Young Guns II      |       The Final ---- Kirk Douglas     |    PROTOHOMINID
        |            |       Countdown            |          |          |
        |            |            |               |          |          |
  Charlie Sheen -- Wall --- Martin Sheen      Spartacus      |    Clan of the
        |         Street          |               |          |     Cave Bear
        |                         |               |          |          |
   The Rookie              Apocalypse Now   Peter Ustinov    +--- Daryl Hannah
        |                         |               |                     |
  Clint Eastwood            Marlon Brando   The Comedians             Splash
        |                         |               |                     |
Every Which Way But Loose    PROTOHOMINID   Alec Guiness             John Candy
        |                                         |                     |
        |                                         |                     |
     SIMIAN                       WOOKIE -- Star Wars --Carrie--The Blues Brothers
                                                  |     Fisher          |
                                                  |                     |
                                           Harrison Ford           John Belushi
                                                  |                     |
                                          American Graffiti       Animal House
                                                  |                     |
                                          Richard Dreyfuss         Kevin Bacon
                                                  |                     |
                     Roy Scheieder ------------ Jaws                 Tremors
                            |                     |                     |
                          2010              GIANT SHARK            GIANT WORMS --- Dune
                      That guy who
                    did Hal's Voice
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