Package Management on Linux, BSD, and Solaris
A Package Management Phrase Book for RPM/dnf/yum/urpmi, apt/dpkg, pkg, pkg*, and pkg_*
System administrators must manage
software packages.
With a mix of Unix-family operating systems,
you must use the commands specific to each platform.
On Red-Hat-derived systems, these include
(formerly yum
), and
On Debian derivatives such as the many Ubuntu variants,
these include
and dpkg
On FreeBSD, one command pkg
does it all.
On OpenBSD, it's a family of commands starting
and on Solaris, similarly named pkg*
Here are explanations through examples of how to manage
software packages and answer questions about installed
or missing software using these commands across all
those operating systems.
Note that yum
has been replaced with
, which has the same syntax and semantics
with much better performance.
Systems are typically set up with a symbolic link so you
can use your familiar yum
syntax and it
simply calls dnf
[cromwell@oracle8 ~]$ ls -l $(which yum) $(which dnf) lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Nov 11 08:07 /usr/bin/dnf -> dnf-3* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Nov 11 08:07 /usr/bin/yum -> dnf-3*
Quick Overview
Here is an three-in-one table for Linux, both rpm/dnf/yum and apt/dpkg, plus FreeBSD. Those three cover almost all of what I use these days. Following this are more detailed explanations of these commands, plus the commands for Linux rpm/urpmi, OpenBSD and Solaris.
Task | Linux rpm/dnf/yum | Linux dpkg/apt | FreeBSD |
Check and update repos | dnf check-update |
apt update |
pkg update |
Install foo |
rpm -Uvh foo.rpm dnf install foo |
apt install foo dpkg -i foo.deb |
pkg install foo |
Upgrade foo |
rpm -Uvh foo.rpm dnf upgrade foo |
apt upgrade foo |
pkg upgrade foo |
Upgrade all | dnf upgrade |
apt full-upgrade |
pkg upgrade |
Remove foo |
rpm --erase foo |
apt remove foo apt purge foo |
pkg delete foo |
Remove "orphans" | dnf autoremove |
apt autoremove |
pkg autoremove |
List installed packages | rpm -qa |
apt list --installed dpkg -l |
pkg info |
List available in repos | dnf list |
apt list --all-versions apt-cache dumpavail |
pkg search . |
Show info about foo |
rpm -qi foo |
apt show foo dpkg -s foo |
pkg info foo |
List files in foo |
rpm -ql foo |
dpkg --listfiles foo |
pkg info -l foo |
Which package owns /etc/foo ? |
rpm -qf /etc/foo |
dpkg -S /etc/foo |
pkg which /etc/foo |
Which package could provide /etc/foo ? |
dnf provides /etc/foo |
apt search /etc/foo |
What does foo require? |
rpm -qR foo |
apt-cache depends foo |
pkg info -d foo |
What requires foo ? |
rpm --whatrequires foo |
apt-cache rdepends foo |
pkg info -r foo |
Verify all packages | rpm -a --verify |
debsums |
pkg check -s -a |
Linux Standard Base and distribution information
give you a general overview of the system:
The files /etc/*release
contain pieces
of this information.
# lsb_release -a # more /etc/*release /etc/lsb-release.d/*
Red Hat invented the RPM (Red Hat Package Manager)
package management system.
It includes databases in /var/lib/rpm/*
the rpm
command-line interface.
RPM is used on many Linux distributions.
Pretty much all Linux distributions use rpm
for package management, except for Debian
and its derivatives like Ubuntu,
plus Slackware, where you use
and take very notes.
The two commands
(found on most RPM-based distributions)
and urpmi
(found on
and other Mandrake derivatives)
are high-level wrappers around rpm,
giving it
the same automation and ease of use found with Debian's
If you don't use either dnf
or urpmi
then for installation or upgrade you must have the
desired package and all its dependencies
on the local system.
You can figure out the dependencies on your own.
But that can take long enough that by the time you finally
install the now huge list of packages you have forgotten
what you were trying to do in the first place.
Debian and Ubuntu use the
and apt
commands to manage packages.
has replaced apt-get
as of Ubuntu 16.04.)
Higher-level tools include aptitude
, and wajig
has one command pkg
to do everything with
I have also included the
package management tools
pkg_add, pkg_info,
and pkg_delete
The pkg_add
command does its own dependency
Finally, I have included the Solaris
package management tools pkgadd, pkginfo, pkgchk,
and pkgrm
Configuring Repositories
All of these except Solaris can use repositories, usually called "repos". You can define one (or possibly many) network or local repos. Then you can install or upgrade a package by simply giving its name, the tool searches the repo on the local file system or the remote server to find what you want.
The repos also contain metadata, a representation of the graph of package interdependencies. That's a large dataset, it's often in the form of a compressed XML file. But the details don't matter to you, the whole point is that if you point your tool to a well-maintained repo, it can figure things out for you!
YUM Repositories
Configure repos to add multimedia support on RHEL/CentOS
The file /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
configures the
overall behavior of the dnf
Repo definitions go in separate files
within the directory /etc/yum.repos.d
with any name ending ".repo
It might look like the following example,
in which the first repo definition is enabled.
The second repo has been defined but it will not be used:
[nux-dextop] name=Nux.Ro RPMs for general desktop use baseurl=http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el7/$basearch/ http://mirror.li.nux .ro/li.nux.ro/nux/dextop/el7/$basearch/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-nux.ro protect=0 [nux-dextop-testing] name=Nux.Ro RPMs for general desktop use - testing baseurl=http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop-testing/el7/$basearch/ enabled=0 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-nux.ro protect=0
Debian / Ubuntu / Mint / etc Linux Apt Repositories
These distributions tend to be graphically oriented,
so you could use a graphical tool as
described at Ubuntu.
But you can also
use the command line
and add lines to any file with the suffix .list
within the directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
It also uses any uncommented lines in the file
The idea is that the sources.list
file is
from your distribution, and all you should do in there
is change whether something is commented out or not.
Do customizations in files you create within the
For example, for the "groovy" release of Ubuntu the file
could contain the following to include the packages,
the updates, and the source code:
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ groovy universe deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ groovy universe deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ groovy-updates universe deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ groovy-updates universe
FreeBSD Repositories
The behavior of the pkg
command is configured
by the file /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf
A repo is defined in /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf
and that definition is over-ridden by anything in
The default /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf
looks like this:
# $FreeBSD: head/etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf 263937 2014-03-30 15:24:17Z bdrewery $ # # To disable this repository, instead of modifying or removing this file, # create a /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf file: # # mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos # echo "FreeBSD: { enabled: no }" > /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf # FreeBSD: { url: "pkg+http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/latest", mirror_type: "srv", signature_type: "fingerprints", fingerprints: "/usr/share/keys/pkg", enabled: yes }
Maintaining FreeBSD
Freebsd uses the freebsd-update
tool to maintain the base system.
You then use pkg
to maintain the packages you have added.
To download updates to the kernel and userspace tools:
# freebsd-update fetch
To install the downloaded updates:
# freebsd-update install
That updates the base operating system environment,
the kernel and userspace.
Then you use pkg
to maintain the added packages.
So, the full sequence would be:
[... Download base kernel and user space updates ...] # freebsd-update fetch [... Install base kernel and user space updates ...] # freebsd-update install [... Update the package database ...] # pkg update [... Download and install package updates ...] # pkg upgrade
To upgrade FreeBSD to a newer release, see the release installation instructions. Generally speaking, it goes like this:
[... Get the current installation fully updated ...] # freebsd-update fetch # freebsd-update install # pkg update # pkg upgrade [... Update to the new release, manually merging changes in configuration files when prompted. Expect the first command to take up to an hour and a half to run, the second takes about a minute. ...] # freebsd-update upgrade -r XX.Y-RELEASE # freebsd-update install [... Reboot to the new kernel ...] # shutdown -r now [... Install the new user space components, expect this to take 8 to 10 minutes ...] # freebsd-update install [... If prompted to do so, rebuild third-party applications and run "freebsd-update install" one more time ...] [... Reboot to the new environment ...] # shutdown -r now
Your /var/db/freebsd-update
may contain a large amount of data after an upgrade.
Mine was getting close to a third of the storage
on my server!
# du -sh /var/db/freebsd-update 9.3G /var/db/freebsd-update/ # ls /var/db/freebsd-update/ | wc 69 69 1053 # find /var/db/freebsd-update/ -type f | wc 92751 92751 8988005
The content could be used to roll back to an earlier state. If you are certain that you do not want to roll back, you could safely remove the contents of that directory:
# rm -r /var/db/freebsd-update/*
OpenBSD Repositories
OpenBSD is a little different, it uses an environment
variable PKG_PATH
instead of a file.
That variable names one or more local directories or URLs.
If the requested file is not in the current working directory,
is searched.
Here is how to update all installed packages
from the master FTP site with two commands.
First, in csh/tcsh
# setenv PKG_PATH ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/`uname -r`/packages/`uname -p` # pkg_add -u
And in sh/bash
# export PKG_PATH=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/`uname -r`/packages/`uname -p` # pkg_add -u
Below is a "phrase book" listing package management actions and how to do them in all of the command sets.
Commands for Package Management
For the Linux rpm
and the Solaris pkgadd
the package file must be on the local system.
For the Linux dnf, urpmi,
and apt
commands, the package file is downloaded
from a network repository.
For the OpenBSD pkg_add
commands, the package file can be on the local system
or downloaded from a network repository,
as described above.
Install package foo
Linux RPM |
rpm -Uvh foo-1.2.3.i686.rpm
dnf install foo
urpmi foo
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt install foo
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg install foo
OpenBSD pkg_add |
pkg_add foo-1.2.3.tgz
Or, using "stems", just name the package and the tool will look for that name plus -version.tgz pkg_add foo
Solaris pkgadd |
pkgadd -d ./foo-1.2.3.gz
Or, if the package file is stored in the standard directory of /var/spool/pkg/ pkgadd foo-1.2.3.gz
Upgrade package foo when an earlier version is already installed
Linux RPM |
rpm -Uvh foo-1.2.3.i686.rpm
dnf upgrade foo
urpmi foo
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt update
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg upgrade foo
OpenBSD pkg_add |
pkg_add -u foo
Solaris |
This is done with patchadd as there should
be a patch.
If there is not a patch, remove the current
version with pkgrm and then add
the new one with pkgadd .
Check to see which packages have upgrades available
Linux RPM |
dnf check-update
urpmi.update -a
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt update apt list --upgradable
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg update pkg upgrade -n
OpenBSD pkg_add |
pkg_add -u -n
Solaris | See if you have mail from Oracle... |
Update all packages with available upgrades
Linux RPM |
dnf upgrade
urpmi --auto-select
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt upgrade New packages will be installed, but existing packages will never be removed. apt full-upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade Install new packages, removing existing packages as needed to satisfy dependencies. |
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg upgrade
OpenBSD pkg_add |
pkg_add -u In theory, that should be enough. But some package updates might fail when you are updating from one release to the next. So, if necessary,you can tell it to waive the failsafes and run scripts that might fail: pkg_add -u -D update
Solaris |
Again, this is not really automated.
You can put a list of patches into a file
and then do something like this:patchadd -M /var/sadm/spool patch1 patch2 ...
Remove the installed package foo
Linux RPM |
rpm --erase foo
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt remove foo
The above leaves locally customized configuration files in place. To also remove them: apt purge foo
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg delete foo
OpenBSD pkg_add |
pkg_delete foo
Solaris pkgrm |
pkgrm foo
Remove "orphaned" or "leaf" packages, those installed to satisfy dependencies but which are no longer needed
Linux RPM |
dnf autoremove
urpme --auto-orphan
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt autoremove
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg autoremove
OpenBSD pkg_info |
pkg_delete -a
List all packages currently installed on the system
Linux RPM |
rpm -qa
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt list --installed dpkg -l Two commands with different output format. |
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg info
OpenBSD pkg_info |
Solaris pkginfo |
List all available packages in the repositories
Linux RPM |
dnf list
urpmq --list | sort -u
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt update apt list --all-versions Or, for another method: apt update apt-cache dumpavail
Or, to search for packages related to the topic OpenSSL: apt update apt-cache search openssl
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg search '.*' This works by regular expression, not file name wildcards, so use '.*' to match
You could also search for every package containing
some string within its name:pkg search 'samba' or starting with some string: pkg search '^samba'
Display the information about the installed package foo
Linux RPM |
rpm -qi foo
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt show foo or: dpkg -s foo
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg info foo
OpenBSD pkg_info |
pkg_info foo
Solaris pkginfo |
pkginfo -l foo
List the files belonging to the installed package foo
Linux RPM |
rpm -ql foo
Linux apt/dpkg |
dpkg --listfiles foo
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg info -l foo pkg --list-files foo
OpenBSD pkg_info |
pkg_info -L foo
Solaris |
grep foo /var/sadm/install/contents The second field of each line specifies the file type: f file
Which package owns the file /etc/foo.conf?
Linux RPM |
rpm -qf /etc/foo.conf
Linux apt/dpkg |
dpkg -S /etc/foo.conf
or: apt-file search /etc/foo.conf
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg which /etc/foo.conf
OpenBSD pkg_info |
pkg_info -E /etc/foo.conf
Solaris |
pkgchk -l -p /etc/foo.conf
Or, more simply: grep /etc/foo.conf /var/sadm/install/contents
The second field of each line specifies the file type: f file
Which package could I add to get the file /etc/foo.conf?
Linux RPM |
dnf provides /etc/foo.conf
urpmf /etc/foo.conf
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt search /etc/foo.conf
Which other packages does the foo
package require?
Linux RPM |
rpm -qR foo
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt-cache depends foo
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg info -d foo pkg info --dependencies foo
OpenBSD pkg_info |
There doesn't seem to be an easy way of doing this,
but it can be done: $ for P in $( pkg_info -a | awk '{print $1}' ) > do > echo $P $( pkg_info -R $P | grep foo ) | awk '/foo/ {print $1}' > done |
Solaris |
For at least a partial list:patchadd -p | grep foo
Reverse dependencies:
Which other packages require the foo
Linux RPM |
rpm --whatrequires foo
Linux apt/dpkg |
apt-cache rdepends foo
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg info -r foo pkg info --required-by foo
OpenBSD pkg_info |
pkg_info -R foo
Non-dependencies: Which packages are not required by any other packages and thus could be easily removed?
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg autoremove -n
OpenBSD pkg_info |
pkg_info -t
I installed a large number of packages, many of which displayed messages about needed manual steps. How can I see all the installation messages?
OpenBSD pkg_info |
pkg_info -aM | less
Verify all installed packages, reporting files that have been removed, changed, or had ownership or permission changed
Linux RPM |
rpm -a --verify
Linux apt/dpkg |
FreeBSD pkg |
pkg check -s -a
OpenBSD pkg_check |
Solaris |
pkginfo | awk '{print $2}' | xargs pkgchk
Act on a package file, not on a package that has been installed
Linux RPM |
Add the -p option to an rpm
Linux apt/dpkg |
Use dpkg-deb instead of dpkg .
Work with package groups, not individual packges
Linux RPM |
dnf group list
List the available groups. dnf group summary
Show how many groups are installed out of how many available. dnf group info foo
Show a very short description of the foo group,
and a list of packages it contains.
dnf group install foo
Install all packages in the foo group.
dnf group remove foo
Remove all packages in the foo group.
Linux apt/dpkg |
Run an interactive menu showing the available groups (called "tasks"), and which are installed. You can select groups for installation and removal. tasksel --list-tasks
Display the current list. |
For even more tricks, see this Ubuntu page.