Internet Radio
Streaming MP3 Audio and
Playing MP3 Audio Files

audacious audio player, listening to the Radio Echoes MP3 stream from Thessaloniki, Greece
I prefer the audacious audio player, which should be included in your operating system. It's easily added if you don't have it, get it from: audacious-media-player.org. It evolved out of the XMMS project. Linux users need to see my how-to for details on adding MP3 support to Oracle and Red Hat Linux and their derivatives.
Radio Garden
Radio GardenAs of early 2021, Radio Garden is the leading compilation of online stations.
Streaming Internet Radio Stations
Below is a list of some streaming Internet radio stations I have enjoyed or at least found interesting in the past.
This type of list is impossible to fully maintain. Some of these may not work because the stations frequently change their stream URL and even stop streaming audio from time to time.
Please let me know if you find problems in this list, or if you have suggestions for corrections or additions!
Some of these require the RealPlayer software from real.com, but most are MP3 or WMA streams.
Internet Radio Stations Live 365 Internet-Radio.com AccuRadio