Travel in Canada
Hostels at Booking.comFor cheap places to stay in Canada, check out Booking.com. Their site lists the HI hostels (with the HI stamp of approval and the HI rules, both pro and con) plus a lot of independent hostels, which tend to be much more fun.
In Drumheller, AB, the Alexandria Hostel is an old hotel out of a Raymond Chandler novel. Right downtown, easy to find. C$ 13.65 for a bed in a shared room.
In Squilax, BC, along the Trans-Canadian highway, the Squilax General Store has three cabooses (cabeese?) out back. They rent bunks in them for C$ 12.50 a night. +1-250-675-2977.
The Kamloops, BC hostel is in the old courthouse, with a pool hall and reading room in the old main courtroom. C$ 14.50 for a bed in a shared room. +1-250-828-7991. Check out Surplus Herby's while you're in Kamloops.
In Ottawa
Ottawa Backpackers' Inn
is a great place to stay.
203 York Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5T7
+1-613-241-3402 or +1-888-394-0334