Purdue's 'Breakfast Club' is featured in 'American Way', American Airlines' on-board magazine in September 2016.

WSHTA — West Slayter Hill Tailgate Association

West Slayter Hill Tailgate Association

October 1 2011
Purdue 10      Notre Dame 38

Video of Breakfast Club and Tailgate in West Lafayette before the Purdue football game.

Video! This starts with Breakfast Club.

Breakfast Club

These are 15% thumbnails, click on one to see a 40% version. Contact me to get the originals.

The Broilermaker Special Grill


Grover pours a Black and Gold

The black and gold bee has had too much.
The black and gold bee has had too much.

Pig Roast

It seems that either #b29569 or #8c6f29 are appropriate Purdue Gold background values:
<body style="color: #000000; background: #B29569;">

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