Bob's Fun Page Bob's Nonsense Your choices are: Toilets of the World Travel Recommendations Bizarrely irrelevant requests for quotes and bids that I have received, and the nonsense I submitted: Operation Pakistani Balldrop, The Bahrain Excavation, The Sverdlovsk Gambit, The Tongan Misdirection, etc Thinking about going to college? My recommendations for the type of school to attend, and what to avoid The Unintentional Poetry of Blog Comment Spam If Occupy Wall Street really is The 99%, many of us are dreadlocked white drummers Some Vaguely Steampunk Projects The Gallery of Epic Fail and Crash Dump Screens Crom-Fu, a fighting technique invented by Oliver Cromwell All You Ever Needed to Know about Oliver Cromwell What Is Rick Mount's Problem With Purdue? Brilliant movie concepts overlooked by Hollywood How Fox "News" concentrates mostly on celebrities and largely ignores world leaders How to Brew Your Own Beer and Mead What is the Finger Box Sarah Palin baby name and advice generator WSHTA = West Slayter Hill Tailgate Association Some Thoughts About Writing Technical Material Misadventures in teaching TCP/IP Haikus — I was doing a networking job in Japan, and ... Cryptographic Haikus Alternative history of the Beatles If Sigmumd Freud had written The Cat in the Hat Signs of Strangeness — Bizarre signs Guaranteed Super Lucky Numbers! Useful Latin phrases The theology of Santa Claus How Everything Connects Through Movies