Raspberry Pi Select a Raspberry Pi topic: Which model and how much memory? $ cat /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model $ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo Raspberry Pi Hardware and Background: Linux and Other Operating Systems on a Low-cost 86×54 mm Board Networking: Wired and Wireless IPv4 and IPv6, Static and DHCP, WPA-2 Security How to Build an OpenVAS Vulnerability Scanner with a Raspberry Pi How to Build a Network-Attached Storage Server with a Raspberry Pi How to Build an Active Directory Server on a Raspberry Pi Running FreeBSD with Samba Cut the Cable: How to Replace Cable TV with Kodi / OSMC Running on a Raspberry Pi Getting Started with a Raspberry Pi and an RTL-SDR Receiver ADS-B Flight Tracking with a Raspberry Pi and Software-Defined Radio Running both fr24feed on Linux/x86_64 and piaware on Linux/ARM 1090 MHz ADS-B Antenna Amazon B07XTRFD3Z Back to the Linux / Unix page Radio Topics