The sun sets over the Parthenon and Acropolis in Athens.

Learning Greek, A Study Guide
Lessons 001 — 005

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Greek Course

I think you should use the Duolingo greek course instead, but here are my notes on an alternative.

Let's make sure that your browser is ready to handle Greek font using Unicode. Yes, these pages really are created with the Vim editor and the Greek is in Unicode encoded in ASCII. How much of the full Unicode definition for Greek is needed? The following table shows the Unicode values for the main alphabet. Within HTML you need to wrap them within &#x....; — for example, α creates α. Let's make sure that your browser can handle this:

Α / α, ά
0391 / 03b1, 03ac
Β / β
0392 / 03b2
Γ / γ
0393 / 03b3
Δ / δ
0394 / 03b4
Ε / ε, έ
0395 / 03b5, 03ad
Ζ / ζ
0396 / 03b6
Η / η, ή
0397 / 03b7, 03ae
Θ / θ
0398 / 03b8
Ι / ι, ί
0399 / 03b9, 03af
Κ / κ
039a / 03ba
Λ / λ
039b / 03bb
Μ / μ
039c / 03bc
Ν / ν
039d / 03bd
Ξ / ξ
039e / 03be
Ο / ο, ό
039f / 03bf, 03cc
Π / π
03a0 / 03c0
Ρ / ρ
03a1 / 03c1
Σ / σ, ς
03a3 / 03c3,03c2
Τ / τ
03a4 / 03c4
Υ / υ, ύ
03a5 / 03c5, 03cd
Φ / φ
03a6 / 03c6
Χ / χ
03a7 / 03c7
Ψ / ψ
03a8 / 03c8
Ω / ω, ώ
03a9 / 03c9, 03ce

Notice that value 0x03a2 is reserved, and other values in the range 0x0390-0x03cf are used for letters with marks dialytika and tonos, e.g., 0x03b0 is for ΰ.

Lesson 001

singular plural
1st είμαι είμαστε
2nd είσαι είσαστει or είσει
3rd είναι είναι

The verb είμαι, I am. Its full conjugation in the present tense is shown in this table, although only the first person singular is used in this first lesson. (From this point forward, all verbs will be listed in this order, but "1st", "2nd", "3rd" and "singular", "plural" will be omitted.)

Definite article "the": ο (masculine), η (feminine), το (neuter):
ο Ανδρέας
η Έλλη
το βιβλίο

"This is ...." construction, as in:
Αυτό είναι βιβλίο.
Note that it's pronounced avTO.

"That is ...." construction, as in:
Εκείνο είναι παράθυρο.

"What is this?" construction:
Τι είναι αυτό;
Είναι βιβλίο.
Notice that Greek uses ";" rather than "?" as a question mark! The question could also be posed:
Αυτό, τι είναι;
And, of course, you could ask What is that? about a remote object:
Τι είναι εκείνο;
Εκείνο παράθυρο.

And — και
This is a box and this is a table.
Αυτό είναι βιβλίο και αυτό είναι τραπέζι.

Lesson 002

Or — ή
Is this a key or a pencil?
Είναι κλειδί αυτό ή μολύβι;

Not — δεν
This is not a pencil, it is a key.
Δεν είναι μολύβι, είναι κλειδί.
Note that it's pronounced then with a voiced th like the English word then.

Isn't it?
This is a basket, isn't it?
Αυτό είναι καλάθι, δεν είναι;

Now, ...
Now, dear listeners, ...
Τώρα, αγαπητοί ακροατές, ...
This was used by the professor but not explained. It has been the same thing with please, ραρακαλώ, thank you, ευχαριστώ, and hello or good-bye, γεια σας.

Lesson 003

Here and there: εδώ και εκεί
Compare there εκεί to that εκείνο, there must be a connection...

Where? πού

You (singular, familiar): εσύ. All the personal pronouns in the nominative case are:

Weak forms
singular plural
1st εγώ εμείς
2nd εσύ εσείς
3rd τός (masculine)
τη (feminine)
το (neuter)
τοι (masculine)
τες (feminine)
τα (neuter)
Strong forms
singular plural
1st εγώ εμείς
2nd εσύ εσείς
3rd αντός (masculine)
αντή (feminine)
αντό (neuter)
αντοί (masculine)
αντές (feminine)
αντά (neuter)

Pleasantries and politeness, some from later lessons

How are you? Τι γίνεσαι;
Fine, thank you. And you? Καλα, ευχαριστώ. Εσύ;
Good morning Καλημέρα
Good evening Καλησπέρα
Good night Καληνύχτα
Hello and Good-bye (informal) Γεια σας (singular)
Γεια σου (plural)
Hello (more formal) Χαίρετε
Please Ραρακαλώ
Thank you Ευχαριστώ
Excuse me με συγχωρείς (singular and informal)
με συγχωρείτε (plural or formal)

Lesson 004

The verb to be for second person singular (informal), see above under Lesson 001.

Useful words:
other — άλλο
thing — το πράγμα
Τι άλλο πράγμα; What other thing?

In, on, at
στον (maculine)
στην (feminine)
στο (neuter)
Το κλειδί είναι στο γραφείο. The key is in (or on, or at) the desk.

Plurals (of neuters):
Αυτό είναι βιβλίο. This is a book.
Αυτά είναι βιβλία. These are books.
Εκείνο είναι τραπέζι. That is a table.
Εκείνα είναι τραπέζια. Those are tables.

Neuters ending in -ο change that to -α.
το βιβλίο becomes τα βιβλία

Neuters ending in -ι add an -α.
το τραπέζι becomes τα τραπέζια.

Neuters ending in -α add the syllable -τα.
το πράγμα becomes τα πράγματα.

Lesson 005

Here is ... — Να ...
Πού είναι ραδιόφωνο; Να το, είναι στο γραυείο.
Where is the radio? Here it is, on the desk.
Πού είναι τα περιοδικά; Να τα.
Where are the magazines? Here they are.

μου — my
του — his
της — her
το δομάτιό μου είναι εκεί στο σπίτι μου.
My room is over there in my house.

Feminine nouns: αυτό and εκείνο become αυτή and εκείνη.
Αυτή είναι η καρέκλα μου.
Here is my chair. (literally Here is the-chair of-me.)

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