The Terrace of the Lions was built shortly before 600 BC on the sacred Greek island of Delos.

Learning Greek, A Study Guide
Lessons 006 — 010

Greek flag

Lesson 006

Greek Course

I think you should use the Duolingo greek course instead, but here are my notes on an alternative.

singular plural
1st μου μας
2nd σου σας
3rd του (masculine)
της (feminine)
του (neuter)

Possessive form of personal pronouns

They are also described as the genitive forms of the pronouns, so:
το βιβίο μου = this book of-me
τα βιβία μας = these books of-us

These follow the gender of the owner and not of the owned thing, so της means of her.

singular plural
1st είμαι είμαστε
2nd είσαι είσαστει or είσει
3rd είναι είναι

Verb "to be" for we are and you are forms. The I am and he / she / it is forms were introduced earlier.

Travel-useful word:
τωρα — now

Lesson 007

General form
–ω –ουμε
–εις –ετε
–ει –ουν
singular plural
1st έχω έχουμε
2nd έχεις έχετε
3rd έχει έχουν

Verb I have

This is the first of many verbs displaying this regular conjugation pattern.

How many? — πόσα

0 μηδέν
1 ένα
2 δίο
3 τρία
4 τέσσερα
5 πέντε
6 έξι
7 επτά
8 οκτώ
9 εννέα
10 δέκα

Numbers 1 through 10

κύριος — Mr.
κυρία — Ms.
δεσποινίς — Miss

Body parts
χέρι — hand, arm
πόδι — foot, leg
δάχτυλο — finger, toe
κεφάλι — head
πρόσωπο — face
μάτι — eye
Έχω δέκα δάχτυλα στα χέρια μου, και δέκα δάχτυλα στα πόδια μου.

Calling or addressing someone with the vocative case. We might say This is Andreas — Αυτό είναι Αντρέας, but if we want to address or call him, we drop the -ς (and form the vocative case). Αντρέα! Similarly, we could speak of a man this way:
Αυτό είναι ο κύριος Παυλίδης.
But we would ask him a question this way:
Έχετε ένα μολύβι, κύριε Παυλίδη;

Imperative forms. With no real explanation, imperative forms are introduced.

I count. — Μετρώ.
Count! — Μέτρησε!

I come. — Έρχομαι.
Come! — Έλα! (singular and informal) Ελάτε! (plural or formal)

Lesson 008

Basic adjectives and adverbs
large — μεγάλος, μεγάλη, μεγάλο (masc, fem, neu)
small — μικρός, μικρή, μικρό (masc, fem, neu)
beautiful — ωραίος, ωραία, ωραίο (masc, fem, neu)
very — πολύ

It has or έχει also means there is or there are.
Petros has a watch — Ο Πέτρος έχει ένα ρολόι.
There is a watch on the table — Έχει ένα ρολόι στο τραπέζι.

Travel-useful words, some from Lesson 009
water — νερό
a glass of water — ένα ποτήρι νερό
milk — γάλα
tea — τσάι
coffee — καφές
sugar — ζάχαρη
wine — κρασί
a glass of wine — ένα ποτήρι κρασί
a bottle of wine — ένα μπουκάλι κρασί

Lesson 009

I want

singular plural
1st θέλω θέλουμε
2nd θέλεις θέλετε
3rd θέλει θέλουν

Adjectives precede nouns:
ένα μπουκάλι κόκκινο κρασί

Plus, some fairly useless discussion of cognac and cigarettes.

Colors — χρώματα

black μαύρος, –η –ο
brown καφέ (indeclinable)
grey γκρίζος, –α, –ο
white άσπρος, –η, –ο
red κόκκινος, –η –ο
yellow κίτρινος, –η, –ο
green πράσινος, –η, –ο
blue μπλε (indeclinable)
light blue γαλανός, –η, –ο

Lesson 010

Adjective declension, number
This pencil is red — Το μολύβι είναι κόκκινο.
These pencils are red — Τα μολύβια είναι κόκκινα

All — όλος, –η, –ο   masc/fem/neu, όλα plural
What color are these pencils? — Τι χρώμα είναι τα μολύβια;
Red. They are all red. — Κόκκινα. Όλα κόκκινα είναι.

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