A fishing boat is tied up at the pier on Ios.

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The subjunctive present and subjunctive aorist are used to talk about a verb. It used with "να verb" in phrases like "must verb" or "can verb" or "like to verb", "want to verb", or to use "verbing" or "to verb" like a noun. Or with "να μην verb" to mean "shouldn't verb" or "don't verb". Short common phrases often use it. It can be used to express a wish or a request, not as definite or adamant as the imperative

Μπορεί να βρέχει αύριο. = It may rain tomorrow.

Αν βρέχει, έχω ομπρέλα. = If it rains, I have an umbrella.

Δε μου αρέσει να λέω όχι. = I don't like to say no.

Πρέπει να είστε καλοί. = You must be good.

Να μην το λες αυτό. = You should not say that

Γιατί να μην το τελειώνουμε; = Why shouldn't we finish it?

Ίσως να μην σε αγαπώ. = Maybe I don't love you.

Μου αρέσει να αγοράεω ρούχα. = I like to buy clothes.

Το να αγοράζεις βιβλία είναι ακριβό. = Buying books is expensive.

Σου αρέσει να δουλεύεις; = Do you like to work?

Τι ώρα να είμαι στη δουλειά αύριο; = What time should I be at work tomorrow?

Πρέπει να αγοράζουμε εφημερίδες για να ξέρουμε τι συμβαίνει. = We must buy newspapers to know what is happening.

Αυτός δεν μπορεί να μας βοχθάει. = He cannot help us.

Ελπίζω να μχν βρέχει = I hope it does not rain.

Το λέω για να ακούν. = I saw it so that they hear.

Αυτό δεν μπορεί να είναι καλό. = This can't be good.

Για να το λες! = If you say so!

Ο σκύλος θέλει να παίζουμε με αυτόν. = The dog wants us to play with it.